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Bell Elementary News & Events
Bell Elementary marked its 100th Day of School with a vibrant and educational celebration. Both students and teachers embraced the spirit of the day by dressing up in attire representing what they might look like at 100 years old, adding a playful twist to the festivities.
Bell Elementary recently had the honor of welcoming a special guest, Chelsea Hensley, who holds the title of the 2024 United States of America’s Mrs.
On Tuesday, December 17th, the Wayne County Belltones delivered a festive and memorable Christmas performance. Students delighted the audience with a selection of beloved Christmas songs, while the drama team added an extra layer of entertainment with their performance with a surprise appearance by Santa Claus himself.
The Family Resource Centers for Walker, Bell, and Monticello Elementary School hosted a very successful event, Cardinal Toy Drop. The toys were a donation from CAP. Students in grades Pre-School through fifth grade participated by driving around the Turner Building to receive a free, unwrapped toy for Christmas. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this event successful and to Ms. Ashley J Thompson and her FRYSC staff for all the support they give to students at school on a daily basis.
First-grade students at Bell Elementary recently showcased their talents in an end-of-unit play about Native Americans and Pilgrims. This engaging activity was designed to connect the knowledge they gained in the classroom with their CKLA reading curriculum. The students, along with their teachers, invested considerable time and effort to create a meaningful and captivating learning experience.